

Why should we all use our creative power?
Because nothing that makes people so generous, joyful, lively, bold and compassionate, so indifferent to fighting and the accumulation of objects and money.

~ Brenda Ueland, author (1938)

The 'Highlights’ section retraces important events and relationships in chronological or thematic order.
A highlight reflects an especially significant or interesting detail, event, commentary or period of time by showcasing it, portraying it in its best light, or promoting it.

  • How to Identify your Ritual Profile

    My guides, Crafting Secular Ritual, Crafting Meaningful Wedding Rituals, and Crafting Meaningful Funeral Rituals, give unique hands-on guidance to the craft of ritual making.

    Posted in Highlight, Author, funerals on 15 Jun 2020

  • How rituals can help us make sense of the world around us

    Author and celebrant trainer Jeltje Gordon-Lennox answers our questions about the need for ceremony and ritual, and how people’s attitudes to some ceremonies, notably funerals and weddings, have changed over time.

    Posted in Highlight on 29 May 2020

  • How to ritualize a passage of life?

    Avez-vous besoin de ritualiser mais ne trouvez pas ce qu'il vous faut ? Jeltje GORDON-LENNOX a devéloppé plusieurs guides sur l'art de la fabrication de nouveaux rituels uniques qui examinent et expliquent l'histoire, la fonction et la place des rituels dans différentes cultures. Les conseils proposés et les nombreux outils pratiques fournis vous permettent de créer vos propres rituels, de l’accueil d’enfant (biologique ou adopté), aux mariages et aux funérailles. Avant tout, prenez le temps de déterminer votre Profil rituel car ce profil est à la base de toute stratégie rituelle. Si vous ne connaissez pas encore votre Profil rituel, vous pouvez le découvrir avec l'aide de ce Questionnaire sur le Profil rituel.

    Posted in Highlight on 21 May 2020

  • How to Create your own Wedding Ceremony

    In Crafting Secular Ritual, author Jeltje Gordon-Lennox provides the tools you’ll need to craft your own secular wedding ceremony, by splitting the process into three stages: Planning, Creating, Realizing.

    Posted in Highlight, wedding, funerals on 20 May 2020

  • A Q&A with Jeltje Gordon-Lennox

    Jeltje Gordon-Lennox talks about the publication of her new series of three guides on Crafting Secular Rituals.

    Posted in Highlight on 18 May 2020

  • Names and Numbers

    Commemoration held on Pampus NL - A Quarantine Island 4 - 5 May 2020

    Posted in Highlight, Ida van der Lee, rituals on 04 May 2020